

I am terrible at goodbyes. At airports, I wave wildly to my parents until they are out of sight. In cars, I lean out of windows in a similar fashion. Sometimes, you've just got to drop everything in your arms and run back to the person you've just walked away from as fast as you can. I don't know why, but I staunchly believe that those last seconds shared between two people matter a very large amount. And if that requires neck-straining, sore arms, and saying goodbye until I'm hoarse in the throat, so be it. But how do you say goodbye to a city, to a place, to people that hold very uncertain roles in your future? I've never been able to figure that one out, so I hold them tightly, walk for hours, sleep when my heart hurts. Listening to this song helps, but leaving never gets easier.


  1. we keeps looking for the place we belong.
    a graceful pict. thank you.

  2. we know it's impossible, so we just let go.

  3. Most definitely agreed. Most of the time I like to think of the uncertain goodbyes as "see you laters," though. It makes it easier to deal with, I think. This is coming from someone who moved every three years, including overseas and back, though. :)

  4. As the bus drove me away from Oxford, England, the mists obscured the city as we travelled away. It was like Brigadoon disappearing. I missed it terribly, cried a little, but always hold that wonderful city and my beautiful year there in a special place in my heart. paris will stay with you always.
